The Bloggies 2025
The Bloggies 2025 are coming. Nominations will begin in December and be followed by voting in early 2026. In the meantime, check out this draft of the next Bloggies' categories. You can find the previous years, their hosts, and winners in the section below.
Theory Category
Ideas, criticism, and analysis of systems, aesthetics, politics, and history of the scene.
Gameable Category
Ready-to-use rules, monsters, and scenarios for your next game session.
Advice Category
Procedures, tips, and methods for play, prep, or publishing within the scene.
Review Category
Reviews of roleplaying books, games, systems, content, adventures, and products.
The Bloggies Hall of Fame
The Bloggies 2024
The 3rd Annual Bloggies were hosted on Sachagoat.
Theory Category
π₯ Gold: The 1 HP Dragon from Explorers Design
π₯ Silver: In Praise of Legwork from Sam Sorensen
π₯ Copper: Interesting Social Situations, or The Discourse Post from Rise Up Comus
Gameable Category
π₯ Gold: Overloading the Random Encounter Table, from Prismatic Wasteland
π₯ Silver: The Bell Curving Encounter Table, from Pointless Monument
π₯ Copper: A Person Shaped Hole, from Mindstorm Press
Advice Category
π₯ Gold: On People-Centered Adventure Design, from Weird Wonder
π₯ Silver: Setting up an OSR Sandbox, from Roll to Doubt
π₯ Copper: Monster Checklist, from Goblin Punch
Review Category
π₯ Gold: Deep Dive: Stonetop, from Indie Game Reading Club
π₯ Silver: The loss we gain from a Thousand Year Old Campfire, from Hendrik ten Napel
π₯ Copper: The Sci-Fi Special Edition, from The Soloist
Debut Blog (Bonus Category)
π₯ Copper: Among Cats and Books
The Bloggies 2023
The 2nd Annual Bloggies were hosted by Zedeck Siew.
Theory Category
π₯ Gold: OSR Rules Families from Traverse Fantasy
π₯ Silver: Critical GLOG: Base Resolution Mechanics from Goblin Punch
π₯ Copper: Being a problem - Playable Orcs at the limits of humanity from Majestic Fly Whisk
Gameable Category
π₯ Gold: Laws of the Land: meaningful terrain via in-fiction limits and conditions from Was It Likely?
π₯ Silver: Pointcrawling Character Creation from Rise Up Comus
π₯ Copper: Flux Space from Papers & Pencils
Advice Category
π₯ Gold: Re-inventing the Wilderness: Part 1 - Introduction from sachagoat
π₯ Silver: How to Handle Parley as an OSR DM from Goblin Punch
π₯ Copper: RANSACKING THE ROOM from Mindstorm
Review Category
π₯ Gold: An Empty Africa - PF2E’s The Mwangi Expanse and the strange career of Black Atlanticism from Majestic Fly Whisk
π₯ Silver: Plagiarism in Unconquered (2022) from Traverse Fantasy
The Bloggies 2022
The 1st ever Bloggies were hosted by Prismatic Wasteland.
Theory Category
π₯ Gold: D&D’s Obsession with Taxonomy from Zedeck Siew’s Writing Hours
π₯ Silver: Hexcrawls ARE pathcrawls from Permanent Cranial Damage
π₯ Copper: Proceduralism from All Dead Generations
Gameable Category
π₯ Gold: Nested Monster Hit Dice from mindstorm
π₯ Silver: Getting Rid of Dogfights from Failure Tolerated
π₯ Copper: GOBLINS GOBLINS GOBLINS from False Machine
Advice Category
π₯ Gold: Prep Tools, Not Adventures from Papers and Pencils
π₯ Silver: Hexcrawl Checklist: Part One from Prismatic Wasteland
π₯ Copper (tie): My Process from Mazirian’s Garden
π₯ Copper (tie): Adding Congruency to Anti Canon Worldbuilding from Mindstorm
Review Category
π₯ Gold: Enough Dweeb Adventures from A Knight at the Opera
π₯ Silver: Folie a Deux - Holy Mountain Shaker from Bones of Contention
π₯ Copper: Karth Taught me to Love Mothership from Technical Grimoire